I want Breakfast

Nigel Pearce

Grey Matters Consultancy Wokingham

About My Business

Grey Matters Consultancy was set up in 2012 and we are here to help the vulnerable, in particular those over the age of 66, the current state retirement age. We can help them get the benefits they deserve, in particular we will look to assist them claim Attendance Allowance, claim a blue badge, assist with possible discounts on council tax and more as well.


For 30 years I worked in financial services, setting up and growing a multi award winning Independent Financial Services company until it was sold in 2019/20. The ethos of the company was helping people, no matter what their circumstances, it was all about giving the very best levels of service, under promising and over delivering. Since stepping away from this, I bought a franchise in Grey Matters Consultancy as my continued desire to help people, using skills that I had acquired previously with new ones developed in learning about DWP benefits and how to assist people to claim them. I have 2 childen aged 19 & 24, my partner is Karen.

Nigel’s Top Networking Tip

when talking with people never be afraid to ask about their business, you never know how you may be able to help each other unless you ask

Grey Matters Consultancy Wokingham

07740 246492

Grey Matters Consultancy Wokingham
21 Dunstans Drive, Winnersh, Wokingham, RG41 5EB

Why I joined BNI Wokingham

I was introduced to BNI by the owner of the Grey Matters Consultancy franchise, Caroline Romero, it is local to where I live and the main area I work in.

What BNI has meant for me and my business

I have met people who have been able to help me or other groups I am affiliated with in ways I would never have expected, I have met people who are helping take my business to another level, above all though it is about supporting each other and as much as I give to those in the group, I get back just as much in different ways.

ready to grow your business?

If you are ready to meet like minded business owners, expand your network and grow your business, then join us for a breakfast meeting and see the true power of BNI Wokingham.

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